MuuvWell Blog

Back to School: Keep Your Healthy Habits Going

August 16, 2024

The kids are heading back to school, and we are transitioning into the Fall season. While it still feels like Summer, we are gradually seeing waning daylight, and cooler weather will soon arrive. This is a great time to self-assess and refresh your personal routine for a healthier season ahead (even if you don’t have kids!).

Optimize Your Fall

If you think back to your Summer, is there anything you want more of or less of this Fall to promote your health? For example, if you feel you’ve been more active over the Summer, consider ways to keep that level of activity going as we move into Fall. Or, if you’ve been staying up later than usual with longer daylight hours, how can you lean into a better bedtime routine?

Back to School Success

You may be taking the kids shopping for new shoes, a lunch box, folders – items that set them up for success in the school year to come. What might you need for success in your health goals this Fall? Is it taking time to plan or prep healthy snacks? Or maybe you, too, need a pair of new shoes to keep up your walking habit. Perhaps a new lunch box or meal containers for packing healthy lunches and snacks to work. Beyond items, are there any “back to school” habits that you can implement in your own life? For example:

  • Optimize your morning routine
  • Prep some high protein breakfast options for the week ahead
  • Pack your lunch and snacks for the day (even if you work from home, plan it out!)
  • Partner with your household, compare schedules, and plan a few easy, weeknight, at home dinners
  • Look at your weekly calendar to block time for exercise
  • Set clear boundaries on screen time
  • Establish a better bedtime routine
  • Schedule self-care visits: doctors/dentist appointments, preventative screenings, even a haircut!

If you have kids, it’s important to help them confidently jump into a new routine going back to school. However, it’s also a great time to self-assess and prioritize your own needs as well! Take a moment to consider your vision for a healthy Fall.

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