MuuvWell Blog

The Power of Being Your Own Biggest Fan

January 2, 2025

Often the person that is hardest on you is…. you. The way you think and talk to yourself guides how you feel about yourself and your actions. If you were to record all your thoughts and read them at the end of the day, would they be loving, encouraging, and supportive? Or would they be judgmental, unkind, and put you down? Consider the way you talk to yourself about yourself, and how that might impact your progress in your health and wellness goals.

Notice Negative Thinking

First, notice your thoughts. For example, let’s say you have a goal to drink 64 ounces of water while at work. At the end of the work day, you’ve had about 40 ounces. Negative thoughts that might pop into your head are “Geez, I can’t get this right” or “I failed today”.

Are those thoughts helping you to reach your goals?

If you notice a lot of negative self-talk, just know that it is completely normal. The goal is to notice, and then begin to reframe. It’s almost like learning a new language. If you notice negative self-talk like in the examples above, aim to reframe that thought into something more positive or helpful. Talk to yourself like you would talk to your kids or your best friend.

So, back to that goal of drinking 64 ounces of water while at work. At the end of the day, you’ve had about 40 ounces. Positive thoughts to practice might be “I’m making progress, but something didn’t click today. I prefer really cold water, so I’ll try ice cold water tomorrow to help me drink more” or “40 ounces is more than I was drinking before I made this goal! I can beat 40 ounces tomorrow”.

What these reframed thoughts shift is your perception. The negative thoughts are judgmental and final. The new, more positive thoughts accept that change is a learning journey, and that not everyday will be perfect. They communicate “keep going!” rather than “give up!”.

You Are Your #1 Influencer

When it comes to feeling motivated, encouraged, and supported towards your health and wellness goals, YOU have the most influence. If you notice negative thinking, aim to reframe those thoughts. Remind yourself that you are worthy of kindness and compassion as you work through changes in your lifestyle habits.

If you need more ideas on how to reframe negative thinking, work with your team of Muuvwell coaches to learn more.


Written by: Stephanie Anklan, Registered Dietitian

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