MuuvWell Blog

Healthy Holiday Tips!

November 20, 2023

Healthy Holiday Tips from the MuuvWell Team!

We know that nutrition around the holidays can be stressful, so we have put together some tips for you that will hopefully help as you’re traveling, spending time with family & friends, and enjoying your holidays!

  • Maintain a healthy meal routine (and snacks as needed) the day of your celebration so you aren’t “starving” hungry late on, that can drive overeating. 
  • Stick to your exercise routine, if possible. If you can’t, get creative with movement – can you play with the kids? Do a 5 minute Muuvwell routine? Offer to walk the dogs? Play an active game at the holiday party? Set the table? Any movement is good movement! Maybe make it a new tradition – does anyone want to walk around the block to see holiday lights/decor in the neighborhood after dinner?
  • Reduce alcohol and desserts at holiday parties by planning for drinks and sweets ahead of time. Can you skip the cocktail before dinner, and plan to have a drink with dinner? Or space apart alcohol with water or seltzer to stay hydrated? Can you request a small portion of dessert, and mindfully enjoy every indulgent bite? 
  • Listen to the crowd! Maybe there is one appetizer or dessert that is the star of the show. Consider enjoying the most popular item rather than feeling pressured to try everything (depending on your own personal preferences, of course). Aim to load your plate with veggies and protein first. Would placing a few items on a plate and stepping away from the food selection work better for you?
  • You can always go back for second portions! Aim to start with small portions of your favorites, and then see if you want to go back for more. Don’t feel pressured to “clean your plate” – if you don’t love something, push it aside. You can always take home leftovers to enjoy tomorrow, too! 
  • Leftovers can be frozen! Aim to get right back to your regular healthy meal routine. Consider freezing portions of leftovers or desserts to enjoy occasionally in the weeks to come, while focusing back on your healthy eating routine most of the time. Send leftovers home with others if you can. 
  • Can you change up the routine? Can you try new recipes or be open to trying new foods? Can you set up your plate and portions differently than you did last year? 
  • What do you want to remember most about your holiday? Consider reframing the focus from food, to games, fun, memories, conversations with people you love, football – anything that matters to you! 
  • Holidays can be stressful! Consider asking for support from your loved ones with chores, cooking, cleaning, planning, and all that the holidays bring our way. If needed, step into a quiet space, and take a few deep breaths. What are other ways you can relieve stress in the moment? 
  • Offer to bring a healthy appetizer or side dish to the party! Here are some ideas: 

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