MuuvWell Blog

How To Budget for Your Fitness

April 8, 2024

Improving or maintaining your fitness shouldn’t be a strain on your wallet or on your calendar. Consider how you are investing in your fitness goals, both financially and in how you spend your time and energy.


There are only 24 hours in a day. Hopefully, about 8 hours is reserved for rest, maybe 8 hours for work, but what about the other 8 hours? Take some time to map out how you invest and prioritize your time. If connecting with your kids is your top priority, it might possible to combine movement with that quality time. If you find that you spend 3 hours watching your favorite shows most evenings, explore ways to include both activity, and also wind-down time in the evening. Are you regularly doing something that someone else could do? Be bold and delegate a chore or a task to someone else, so that you have that time back to invest in your health goals.

As you are exploring your time, be aware of your thoughts around what you want your exercise to be. People often hesitate to start or maintain exercise due to a belief that they need to dedicate a huge block of time. Rather than focusing on the duration, aim to focus on the habit and getting consistent. In what part of the day do you feel energized? When are you able to reserve a few minutes with a lower likelihood of distraction? Consider adding a small commitment of movement around that time (3-10 minutes), or pull up your S45 Muuvwell program. Start small, and create the habit of moving at that time. Small amounts of movement do add up to big wins! Once you build the habit, then you can shift focus to increasing the time, ramping up effort, or changing the types of exercise you do.


Look for free opportunities to get more active. Asking a friend to get moving with you will establish accountability, while also making it more fun. Check out the free fitness app on your phone – could you start tracking your steps, or set a goal to reduce how much time you spend sitting? Additionally, there are endless free online resources and apps for exercise, fitness tracking, workout videos, strength routines – go online and see what speaks to you! Don’t be afraid to get really specific with your search to find the best fit, like “yoga after knee replacement surgery”, or “quick HIIT workout for busy moms”. 

Try before you buy! Often, a yoga, Pilates, martial arts studio, or local gym, will offer an option to explore the facility or attend a class before you join. This is a great way to “try on” the facility to see if it’s a good fit before investing in a membership. You may also be able to sign up with a friend or a group for a discount. In addition, check to see that you are using all your benefits! Many employers or health insurance plans offer incentives on fitness memberships or workout gear. 

Reflect on what you’re really looking for in a gym. Maybe a $10/month gym is the best option for you. Or maybe you would like a robust selection of group classes or a sauna. Do some online research and compare rates, amenities, or ask around and see where your friends go – having a community can make all the difference! 

Future Focus

Take a look at your last bank statement. Where are you investing your money outside of your basic necessities (shelter, electricity, water, etc.). How is your food budget shaped? Maybe you had more meals away from home than at home. How much are you spending on your streaming services each month, and how many hours do you spend sitting and watching them? There may be an opportunity to align your future spending with your health goals. 

Consider the breakdown of the gym membership. If you go to the gym X times, in a month, what does it actually cost per visit? Even if you can only squeeze in 20 or so minutes a few times per week, what is the cost, and what is the pay off? 

What would you pay for better energy? Better sleep? Lower blood pressure? Stronger muscles? Less joint pain? Less body aches? Better blood sugar numbers? More confidence? Accelerated weight loss? Likely the benefit of investing in any type or amount of movement will greatly outweigh the cost.

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