MuuvWell Blog

The Power of Human Connection

March 6, 2025
Humans are social creatures. Whether you are more introverted or extroverted, as a human, there is a biological need to have some connection with others. If we’re feeling socially isolated, we are at higher risk for health problems such as heart disease, depression, and cognitive decline.

When we are more socially connected to family, friends, or some type of community we do better. We are happier, physically healthier, and live longer. We have fewer mental health problems (depression, anxiety, and stress) compared to people who are missing that connection. Community can be found in all kinds of places. It might be present within your family, in a one-on-one friendship, co-workers, a church, a club, a gym, or in your neighborhood.

What are some new ways to connect?

You might use your wellness goals as an opportunity for new connections. Do you want to improve your fitness? Find a social workout option – recruit a walking buddy, or join a pickleball league. Want to make more more meals at home? Sign up for a cooking class! Here are other opportunities to make connections within your community:

  • Volunteer
    • If you aren’t sure where to volunteer, ask around for opportunities, or look for a community “volunteer fair” where charitable organizations get connected to potential volunteers
  • Join a group that meets regularly (or start one of your own)
    • If could be a book club, a walking group, bible study, or hobby club
  • Schedule small group dinners/coffee dates
  • Invite a co-worker to walk with you on your lunch breaks or right after work
  • Check out local fairs, festivals, 5k’s, etc.
  • Explore any local community centers, universities, and Rec centers for free classes or upcoming events
  • Keep your eyes out for new (and old) businesses that offer open houses or community events
  • Sign up for “lessons” – guitar, language, graphic design, dancing, cooking, any area you are curious about!
  • Challenge yourself to kickstart more conversations, if the opportunity exists. On a Friday, ask someone, “What are you looking forward to this weekend?” to learn more about their world and interests!

The Recap

In the opportunities above, you might notice that some social engagements are more formal, some more casual, some with big groups, some with small interactions. Try on different social activities to find what gives you energy or keeps you looking forward to a future connection. As an adult, it can be hard to make new connections or develop new friendships. Just know that you are not alone in working to expand your social horizons. Explore what might work for you, and then keep exploring!


Written by: Stephanie Anklan, Registered Dietitian

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