MuuvWell Blog

The Impact of Sitting on Heart Health: Why Movement Matters

The Impact of Sitting on Heart Health: Why Movement Matters

In today’s modern world, many of us spend long hours sitting—whether at a desk, in front of a screen, in the car, or on the couch. While it might seem like a harmless way to pass the time, being sedentary can have significant negative effects on heart health. The...

Nutrition for Heart Health

Nutrition for Heart Health

Fueling Your Body for a Stronger Heart Nutrition plays a key role in supporting heart health. Check out the following nutrition tips to support your journey to a healthier heart. Choose Plants: Vegetables, Fruit, Beans, Nuts, Seeds Packed with vitamins, minerals,...

Exercise for Heart Health

Exercise for Heart Health

When it comes to keeping your heart healthy, one of the most effective tools is exercise. Regular physical activity strengthens the heart muscle, improves circulation, and helps to lower blood pressure, increases "good" cholesterol and lowers "bad" cholesterol, and...

What is Heart Healthy Living?

What is Heart Healthy Living?

February is Heart Health Month. This is a great time to consider your typical routine and how you are supporting your heart health long-term. Do you have a family history of any heart related health conditions? Are you living in a way that helps to keep your heart...

How “Habit Stacking” Can Support New Goals

How “Habit Stacking” Can Support New Goals

We are creatures of habit. We like our routines, and can often function on autopilot for most of our daily tasks. For example, you might not have to think very hard about taking your shower, brushing your teeth, or making your morning coffee. These things happen...

The Power of Accountability in Reaching Your Goals

The Power of Accountability in Reaching Your Goals

When it comes to achieving your health goals, motivation will fluctuate. Some days, you're full of energy and determination, while other days, it's hard to find the drive to stay on track. This is where accountability becomes a game-changer. What is Accountability? At...

Track Your Non-Scale Victories

Track Your Non-Scale Victories

When it comes to health and wellness goals, most people primarily focus on the numbers: weight on the scale, calories burned, or steps walked. But true progress isn’t always reflected in these metrics. Non-scale victories are the little wins that often go unnoticed...

The Power of Being Your Own Biggest Fan

The Power of Being Your Own Biggest Fan

Often the person that is hardest on you is.... you. The way you think and talk to yourself guides how you feel about yourself and your actions. If you were to record all your thoughts and read them at the end of the day, would they be loving, encouraging, and...

Spiritual Rest for More Intentional Action

Spiritual Rest for More Intentional Action

True Rest The holidays, the end of the year, and life in general can feel chaotic. In our modern, chaotic, world with the hustle and bustle of life, we tend to minimize the importance, or even devalue, rest. When we do "rest", we're often watching a show or scrolling...

S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Success

S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Success

Consider your health, your lifestyle, what you can do, what you want to do, and how you want to feel. You can think about this in the short-term, like how you want you next doctors appointment to go in 3 months, or in the long-term, like how you want to feel and spend...

Rest and Recharge for the New Year

Rest and Recharge for the New Year

As we enter a New Year, many of us are caught up in the excitement of setting resolutions and planning for what lies ahead. However, before diving into our future goals, it's also important to take a moment to rest and recharge. Here’s why this practice is essential...

Explore Your Values for Spiritual Wellness

Explore Your Values for Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is not just about being religious. Although, that can be the center of spiritual wellness for many people. Beyond religion, spiritual wellness is also about exploring and nurturing what brings meaning and purpose to your life. What Makes Life...

Partnering for a Brighter Future

Together We Can Achieve More

Join us on this transformative journey. Together, we can create a workplace where your employees are healthier, happier, and more productive than ever before. When your employees win, your organization wins. Let MuuvWell be your trusted partner in achieving the success you envision.