Consistently Good, Or Occasionally Great?

Consistently Good, Or Occasionally Great?

If you were a coach, which would you rather have—a consistently good player, or an occasionally great player? Or, similarly, if you were a boss, would you rather have an employee who only showed up to work a couple times a week, but was terrific when he came, or...
Better Balance, Meal by Meal

Better Balance, Meal by Meal

Better Balance, Meal by Meal: Non-Starchy Veggies Non-starchy veggies are high in fiber and nutrients, yet low in calories. We can add a lot of them to our meals and snacks, fill up and feel more satisfied after we eat, and yet support a variety of different health...
Why Daily Water Intake is Important

Why Daily Water Intake is Important

How much water should I be drinking? Daily water intake is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. The amount of water a person needs can vary based on factors such as age, sex, weight, physical activity level, and climate. However, a general guideline...
Finding Ways to Move

Finding Ways to Move

Have you recently looked at pictures from before 1950? If you haven’t, you should. What do most of the people look like, in general? Do they look thin, or perhaps overweight? Do they look like they have good muscle tone? Look at old pictures of soldiers from the...
Using Movement as Medicine

Using Movement as Medicine

Using Movement as Medicine We were made to move. A normal, healthy, human body is extremely efficient when performing physical activity for extended periods of time, especially cardiovascular activity.  However, when looking more closely at modern humans, “moving with...