Find Common Ground

Find Common Ground

Aligning with others Being “well” is much more than participating in a regular diet and exercise routine (although it is an important component!).  In fact, there are eight “pillars” of wellness. It is essential to regularly assess yourself in each of the eight...
Rhythms Remind us of our Purpose

Rhythms Remind us of our Purpose

Rhythm’s role in our life As we have discussed before, a major part of Spiritual Wellness is living a purpose driven life! Building on this idea, today we want to encourage you to make the most of this season in regards to your spiritual wellness by being aware...
What is Spiritual Wellness?

What is Spiritual Wellness?

What is Spiritual Wellness? Spiritual wellness involves finding balance and alignment in your values, relationships with others, and the overall meaning and purpose that shape your life. This does not mean that to be “spiritually well,” one must be...
Living a Purpose Driven Life

Living a Purpose Driven Life

Back in October, we wrote about the fact that we are made for a purpose. This was understood for much of human history in many different civilizations and only came to be doubted in our own civilization more recently. Why has this come under doubt? Perhaps, in our...
Be Curious

Be Curious

A friend of mine who is a skilled salesman likes to say, “Whoever asks the most questions wins.” In his context, he means that when selling a product, you have to bring solutions to the people you are talking to, and you don’t know what solutions you can bring, or...